
Business Leads

U.S. Business Mailing Lists we offer the largest and most accurate mailing lists in the country.
We have a Triple Verified Business Database of over 16 Million Businesses. We provide the most accurate mailing lists available in the industry.


You can select business mailing lists by state, county or metropolitan area, Zip Code, radius around an address and, of course, the entire United States. You can also filter by Years in business, number of employees, annual sales.


You can select any type of business or combination of several business categories for your mailing list. If you are looking to sell to various companies, who work in several areas of expertise, we can deliver a comprehensive, all in one list, for exactly what you need.  We can help you select by specific SIC codes or a combination of several SIC Codes for a comprehensive list.


Pinpoint your potential sales leads by selecting businesses by sales volume. This allows you to find businesses that are the appropriate size for your sales specifications.


Do you need a more complex business marketing list? Our account executives can help you narrow down your list with various facets of search specifications. For example, you can select all manufacturers in California with an employee size range of 25 – 250 employees, Or all retailers in Dade County with sales exceeding $1 million per year.